To know Larry is to know his commitment to sacrificing himself for the good of others. He is genuinely one of the most giving people that I know. I love being his wife, and witnessing his countless years and acts of service toward others. He is the definition of a selfless man.
He was raised in a large family with 7 brothers, all of whom went to serve in the military. Larry and his brothers were all raised to be selfless, giving, and used their grit to get their family through hard times.
This weekend, Larry and his three living Brothers: Fredrick, Chester, & Richard, along with his four deceased brothers will be honored by the New North Country Honor Flight. I am attending as well, as his chaperone. I will post more pictures when we return!

Here are the details if you would like to attend!
Saturday October 1st
Flights 42 & 43
Honor Flight Escort will parade the veterans to the oval from Hobby Lobby.
Leaving the Mall at 6:10
Grab your flags, wave to the veterans & watch along the route.
They are expected to arrive at the Oval by 6:20. The opening ceremony begins at 7:00 AM Sharp.
Come out and give our North Country veterans the recognition they deserve!

Larry and I- What a Journey!
From colleagues, to friends, to partners to married--living every day as if it was a gift. Our relationship is truly a blessing!

We have had 24 years together since October of 1998! We met and shortly after, I knew he was the one for me.
September 22, 2022, we celebrated 9 of those years married. Happy Anniversary!! 

So many thoughts, projects and miles walked together. You are the one person who is my biggest supporter. Always ready to start another project for me. You keep me grounded. There is a reason that God brought us together. May we have many more to spend with each other. Walking, talking and just enjoying all the memories we have made.
Love ya Larry!! 

8 Years ago my life was so different. I was always run down and getting sick. I was around a lot of people in my job, and they would pass their germs to me. A very good friend introduced me to oils and how she was using them to stay healthy.
She recommended starting with a blend of 5 oils(clove, cinnamon, lemon,eucalyptus, rosemary) which was called Thieves.
I started using a roller ball and used this everyday as my perfume. Within a three week period I started to notice changes in how I was feeling.
- My mood was improving
- My energy was increased
- No time out of work
- Started to get excited about life again!
I am so thankful that a friend took the time to share this with me!! Now, essential oils are a huge part of my life!
If you need something to bring health and happiness to your life, I would be happy to show you how to begin.
Everyone who orders Thieves receives special support from me on how to use your products and special gift.
I cannot wait to see how much you love Thieves!

Raindrop Technique is an advance form of Aromatherapy.
Aromatherapy is the application of essential oils for therapeutic purposes. Oils may be applied to stimulate healing in both humans and animals. They may also be applied to maintain existing health, promoting wellness and optimal well-being physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
In my experience, I have seen so many wonderful outcomes from the Raindrop Technique. For example I have seen clients come into my room feeling very emotionally drained and mentally frazzled from things going on in their lives. After the Raindrop they were so calm and feeling a total body relaxation.
The most common outcomes are:
-feelings of relaxation
-more grounded
-release of tension
-bringing balance back to hectic life
-stress relieving
I have been trained in Raindrop Technique since 2018. I absolutely enjoy the mind body connection with the Raindrop Technique that my clients have experienced. If you are are looking for relaxation, bringing your body back to balance, or emotional release then maybe a Raindrop is the next step in your health journey. I invite you to visit my Raindrop page.
I would like to introduce myself. I am wife,mom and a grandmother (Min). I am a strong, grateful independent almost 61 year old lady.That after many years I have learned to stand up for myself & my family, That I can add with upmost Pride.
Believe me it took many years for me to do that.
In this past year and hard work and dedication to myself I am the strongest I have ever been. Was it easy? NO, my tank was empty and I needed to make some big life time changes. One day I said, " Enough is enough." If I want to be there for my family, I need to start with me.
I retired in March of 2020. Little did I know what was coming next. I decided to retire and be home more, My husband had been having health issues. I did not want to live with regrets. That story is for another post. It was the best decision I have ever made. That is when I decided I needed to refill my tank. Look at myself and dig deep.
I have just become a Certified Raindrop Technique Specialist & a Spiritual Health Coach. I have been using Young Living Oils for about 9 years, Now I have the time to do what makes me happy. To help others see their own potential. To live a healthier life style.
If I can reach one person with my story then I will start to fulfill my dream.
The story does go on........